Thursday, March 20, 2008

N is for NorthStar

Ok...a slow to start up crowd, but by 9pm we were jam-packed and a good number of people including the regulars were there to ring in making it to N Bar. Sabrina's boyfriend of course was on hand with cheestakes and refils on beer -- enough to make anyones stomach not right the next day -- gotta love Chris. I believe onion rings. Dresda, well she was in 100% Dresda form dropping comments that I am sure would make any mother reach for her soap bar -- but that is why she is a great member of the crawl. We are hitting up Ottimista next week for a more sophisticated tour of events. See you there 7pm on Union Street! (they have a great menu too, so if you did not have dinner, you won't be disappointed)

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

L for LaBarca and M for Mauna Loa I am slow to post...but are you kidding me. We had a trickle effect for the first few hours, but by 10 pm the place was packed...I mean was so much fun that Tooba lost her wallet..long story ;)

This was def. the gear up for the Mauna loa...which was also packed. So nice to see the joint get filled up with what has become a large group of Alphabar Regulars, complete with Sabrinas's husband -- and a few newbies ... see you in a week at NORTHSTAR